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final measurement中文是什么意思

用"final measurement"造句"final measurement"怎么读"final measurement" in a sentence


  • 最终测量结果


  • Period of final measurement and valuation
  • And whether such breach has led to the irrealization of the other party ' s legal contract destination , direct or indirect , is its final measurement
  • The forth part probes into the developing trend of otc distribution channel and put forwards the final measurements on the basis of the dfc mode , building of modern pharmacy flow system , and modern marketing methods
  • And the supply scheduling design protects the mmic chips . the final measurement result shows the transmitter power reaches more than 500mw , noise figure is less than 6db , the receive gain is higher than 25db , the isolation is more than 40db
    实验结果显示发射通路输出功率> 500mw 、噪声系数< 6db 、接收通路增益> 25db 、和差发射通路的隔离度> 40db ,收发隔离度> 40db ,基本达到指标要求。
  • Usually each organizational reform means assorting with its environment , and aims at the view to raise the organizational outstanding achievements . efficiency of the organization is the final measurement to move or not the key reform and reform successful or not , and is the basic basis to choose different organization patterns in the course of the organizational reform
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